Makers Mark One Stop on the Bourbon Trail
Makers Mark One Stop on the Bourbon Trail. Each March, we trek from Wisconsin to Florida by car for spring break. We always wanted to make a pit stop at a few distilleries for my husband. This year we did just that.
My husband is an avid bourbon and whisky fan. When planning trips I always try to incorporate activities around each family member’s interest.
Maker’s Mark in Loretto, KY was one stop on the bourbon trail for my husband. He wanted to do the whole passport tour. I don’t drink the stuff, so I wasn’t impressed. But, he supports my likes and does things for me, thus I must do things for him. Right? Isn’t that how it works?
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The grounds of Maker’s Mark are photographer-friendly. Each turn holds a new treasure.
All the details of branding the grounds from a marketing standpoint are genius!
The first question I asked the tour guide was can I take photos. We had just came from “another” distillery and they were not photo-friendly. They were not even friendly for heaven sakes.
Guess who left the “other” distillery. Us. Why? Once you have been on one tour, you have been on them all. For someone like myself, who don’t consume the product, if you want me to stay, you must give me something to do.
Otherwise, the next place down the road gets the “end” sale. Guess who got the end sale? You guessed it. Maker’s Mark.
Every piece of the property was an invitation for me to grab another photo. This was a wooden vat where they add the yeast.
I didn’t get to hear what purpose this room holds. I was busy reading all the stuff on the walls. I believe this is where they heat the liquids. Yep, guessing.
The building architecture and beams interested me more at this point. The rest of the family was listening and very interested in the tour.
Inside the bottling, labeling and packaging room.
Tour tasting room. I sat and listened to my husband and another gentleman decide which were their favorites.
Both guys shared the samples I got. My husband would decide which he liked after taste testing his. I passed my sample to the guy next to us. if he didn’t care for his sample.
The ones that were my husband’s favorite blends happened to be the guy next us least favorite one’s. Worked out perfectly, between the two of us.

The tour guide even gave me permission to stay behind in the distillery’s rack house to admire and take pictures of their 36-foot by 6-foot glass ceiling made by world-renowned glass artist Dale Chihuly.
I can’t even express how outstanding it was standing in here all by myself! The icing on the cake was the guide asking if I wanted the door open or closed.

The ceiling was completed of Maker’s Mark, in conjunction with Maker’s Mark’s 60th anniversary for one of the distillery’s rack houses in Loretto.
I will not give away all the surprises that the ground’s hold. That is not fair!
A special thank you goes out to Makers Mark One Stop on the Bourbon Trail it proved to be a good choice of activities for all people in our party.
Since they were extremely friendly and I love the backstory into all the details they have placed in their marketing promotions —> they have a wife that will purchase their brand for her husband. That is how you win a customer over!
Although, I do not consume their products I appreciated the fact that their grounds were a photographer’s paradise. Very welcoming!
Certainly a pleasant visit and one that makes me relive that feeling when purchasing their products for my husband and our friends.