Coffee Mug Designs

Coffee Mug Designs

Welcome to my coffee mug designs. My storefronts vary, so each design will carry the storefront link under the design. It doesn’t matter what storefront I advertise a design in – each provides 100% satisfaction.  I would never sell in a market I wouldn’t purchase from myself and want YOU to have the same option for satisfaction.

Thank you for taking the time to look at my designs and allowing me the chance to explain how each one of the coffee mug designs came about. Sometimes, the backstory is just as interesting as the design.

Best Friends Coffee Mug

Best Friends Coffee Mug

About the Design
Two-sided coffee mug.  On one half is a daisy standing proud after a hard rain.  For me, my best friend makes the storms in life a little easier to bear, and that SAME best friend allows me to see the beauty after a storm has passed.  The little drops and strong vivid colors, are beautiful after-effects left behind after you weather a storm.  I used the daisy to signify this purpose.  There is beauty after a storm and if you weather any storm in life, you will grow.  In order to weather that storm you need a strong support system, a best friend provides you with a strong root system and reinforces your “stem” to allow you to weather that storm.

The other half of the mug has the saying “A good friend knows all your best stories.  A best friend has done them with you.”  Pretty sure, you can understand why I chose to include that saying all on your own 🙂

Purchase Design Here

Wisconsin’s State Bird Coffee Mug

Wisconsin's State Bird

About the Design

This is a standing joke in the middle of summer in Wisconsin. The mosquito should replace the Robin as the state bird at times.  And, let’s face it, wouldn’t you love to haul off and smack someone once in a while?  If you said no, you are fibbing! We ALL get there!!

The design shown has the state of Wisconsin but can order it without a state name or add your own state name here.

Wisconsin Mug
No State Name Mug

Wolf Coffee Mug

Wolf Coffee Mug

About the Design

A collection of six of my high-quality wolf prints that are incorporated into a specially designed mug for any wolf lover! The mug only says “WOLF LOVER”.  A wolf stands for strength, loyalty, and spirit. Many people relate to a wolf because a wolf makes strong and emotional pack bonds, they are loyal and they add strength to a group.  The wolf also trusts its instincts and is activity guided by its heart and that ability to trust.

Coffee Cup / Notecard

Cardinal Coffee Mug

Cardinal Coffee Mug

About the Design

A two-sided mug.  One side features the male cardinals.  The other side features the female cardinals. People have a strong connection with the cardinals and I am no different. I would love to think that the flickering of red that visits me at my feeder are the loved ones that have passed on and are paying me a daily visit.  I can think of it, right?  It makes the world so much better when I’m missing those that are so important to me!

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Be Wild Be Free The Power of Three Coffee Mug

Be Wild Be Free The Power of Three Coffee Mug

About the Design

A beautiful assortment of 3 hand-drawn peacock feathers. The peacock is an animal that has a variety of symbolism around the world.  They stand for purity and openness.  Their feathers fan out far and wide and the eyes of the feathers have plenty of symbolism all on their own.

And, that whole power of three, gasp – I love symbolism – can you tell? It is incorporated into many of my design concepts.  Our world of choice was founded on the power of three.  Three choices for almost everything. A, B or C, hot, warm or cold , high, medium, low, small, medium, large, and the list goes on.  In marketing, many things are branded this way Moe, Curly, and Larry – Snap, Crackle, Pop – Father, Son, Holy Spirit – Body Mind & Soul… Kinda a cool fact I pointed out. huh?

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Fish More Work Less

Fish More Work Less Fly Fishing Coffee Mug
About the Design

Have an avid fly fisherman in the family?  This is an excellent choice for a gift.

Even a bad day of fishing surely beats out a good day at work.

Vintage hand-tied fishing flies made from the feathers of peacocks and pheasants along with rabbit fur wrap the entire mug.

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