Morning Glories Are One Of My Favorite Climbing Vines

Morning Glories Are One Of My Favorite Climbing Vines

Morning glories will always have a special place in my heart as one of my favorite climbing vines.  When I was a young girl, I would pass a trellis of morning glories entering my neighbor’s home.  I always thought they were pretty but didn’t realize their true beauty and symbolism until later in life.

General Information

Botanical NameIpomoea
Plant TypeFlower
Sun ExposureFull Sun
Soil TypeWell Drained Fertile Soil
Soil pH 6.0 to 6.8
Bloom TimeSummer to Fall
Flower ColorBlue, Pink, Purple, Red and White
Hardiness Zones3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10
Special FeaturesAttracts Birds, Hummingbirds & Butterflies

Gardeners Share That Is What We Do

One fall, shortly after buying a home, my neighbor bagged up the morning glory seed he had collected from his trellis and gave them to me.

He said that if I planted them in spring to remember to collect the seed pods in fall to replant again for the following fall and remember to collect extra to give away.  Gardener’s share, that is what we do.

Then he reminded me to store the seed in the refrigerator over the winter because the seed needs a cold snap to germinate.

I Did What I Was Told

I stuck the seed in the back of my refrigerator as I was told to do.  Until I was ready to plant. The seasons came and went, I had forgotten about the seed.  Everything in my life changed. My faithful neighbor man and dear friend was placed in a nursing home for a short time the following summer and passed away in the early fall.

4 Years Passed

One spring morning when I was cleaning out my refrigerator, I just so happened to remove all the shelving and low and behold I found three bags of seed tucked behind the shelving and hidden against the back of the refrigerator wall. 

I pulled out the bags and the notes that I had thought were just instructions and labeled with colors. Instead, they were that and so much more!  Included were special messages.

A Garden Takes Years of Thought and Patience

I removed the first piece of paper and it read ” Please remember, a full garden takes years of thought and patience, just as life itself does.”  The message immediately brought happy tears to my eyes.

When The Time Comes Sometimes We Just Know

I scrambled to reveal the second message, “A society grows great when old men plant trees whose shade they know they shall never sit in. ”  This was a strange message because the fall before he passed, he planted a small pine tree in his backyard.

At this point, I’m thinking he knew he was sick that fall when he collected and gave me the morning glory seed.  Perhaps – he knew and didn’t speak a word? 

Friends Are the Flowers In Life

After I stopped sobbing, I ran outside and found the copper trellis that my husband had made me a few years back when we were renting at a different location.  

Some of the ends needed to be solder back together but it certainly would make the perfect backdrop for climbing morning glories.  

As soon as my husband returned from work he quickly made the repairs to the trellis as he noticed my overwhelming urge to plant the seeds.

Here the seed sat for 1 year while my neighbor was alive and 3 after his passing, but I was going to try and plant them anyway.  Period!  No questions.

Prepping Morning Glory Seeds

  • Soak seeds for five hours
  • Nick the seed with a pair of tin snips

I soaked the as his instructions said for 5 hours because it allows for the hard exterior of the seed to soften and the soaking can be done before or after nicking the seeds. I found it easier to do after soaking.

Nicking The Seed

Grow Beautiful Morning Glories! Attract birds, hummingbirds and butterflies.
  • Helps the seed absorb water.
  • Tells the plant embryo inside to start the germination process

Plant Directly In Soil

  • Prepare seed as directed above.
  • Plant seed 1/2 inch in depth in full sun – fertile, well drained soil.
  • Seed will sprout in 5-21 days.
  • Provide a way for the plant to climb and spread.

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Heavenly Blue Morning Glories

  • A beautiful annual morning- glory that is a rapid climber and the entire flower that bloom has an azure-blue hue. Lovely beyond description.
  • The plant is a graceful vine with quick growth producing a great number of exquisitely formed deep, clear blue petunia-like flowers. Ideal for covering stumps or other unsightly objects.
  • The seed is hardy in most soils. Thrives in dry, sandy gardens but the plant tends not to like to be transplanted, sow the seed where you would like to see the growth for the year.
  • The flowers continue all summer long but experience suggests that they prefer the autumn – September to the first frosts.
  • Each flower only lasts a day but the plants are prolific with new flowers almost daily.

Special Message

I have to admit, when I received the seed it was at a point in life that I smiled and didn’t give much thought to the gesture.

Years later, the seed and messages carry a remarkable and significantly profound message for me.  Funny how time and experience seem to change one’s thought pattern.

Now, does anyone need seed?  Gardener’s share that is what we do 🙂

Additional Post: Top 10 Purple Garden Flowers

Buy Seed On Amazon

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