
Black Walnut Hull Powder | Juglans nigrum

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1 ounce (28 grams) Black walnut powder which is derived from the hulls or green colored outer shells of black walnuts (Juglans nigra). The walnuts are collected on private land and processed in small batches. I use some of the powder in paper making, creating inks and dyes. I only sell a small quantities a year. If you wish to purchase the powder, do so when it is in stock. When I'm out for the season, I'm out. Your price includes free shipping from Wisconsin.

Historically, black walnut (Juglans nigra) and its various components, including the powder derived from its hulls, have been utilized for a range of purposes by different cultures. Here are some historical uses of black walnut powder:

  1. Traditional Medicine: Native American tribes used black walnut for its medicinal properties. They employed various parts of the black walnut tree, including the hulls, to create herbal remedies. Black walnut was believed to have antiparasitic, anti-inflammatory, and astringent qualities, making it useful for addressing a variety of health issues.
  2. Antiparasitic Properties: Black walnut hulls have been historically recognized for their potential to eliminate intestinal parasites. Some traditional medicine systems, including Native American and folk medicine, used black walnut preparations to treat worm infestations and other parasitic infections.
  3. Topical Applications: The astringent properties of black walnut were harnessed for topical applications. Native Americans used poultices or ointments made from black walnut to treat skin conditions, wounds, and infections.
  4. Dyeing: The hulls of black walnuts have been used historically as a natural dye. The brown to black color extracted from the hulls was used to dye fabrics, baskets, and even hair.
  5. Food Source: Native Americans and early settlers utilized black walnuts as a food source. The nuts were consumed, and the hulls were sometimes used to flavor foods. However, the hard shell of the black walnut makes it more challenging to crack and extract the nut compared to other walnut varieties.
  6. Woodworking and Crafts: The wood of the black walnut tree is highly valued for its quality and color. It has been used historically in woodworking, cabinetry, and crafts. The shells and hulls of black walnuts were also used in crafting activities.
  7. Natural Herbicide: The juglone compound found in black walnut has allelopathic effects, meaning it can inhibit the growth of other plants. Historically, this property was recognized, and black walnut extracts were used as a natural herbicide to control the growth of certain plants in gardens.

It's important to recognize that historical uses of black walnut were often based on traditional knowledge and practices. While some applications have persisted and are supported by modern scientific research, others may lack sufficient evidence or may be based on cultural beliefs and practices. If you are thinking about using the powder in natural remedy, caution should be exercised, and consulting with healthcare professionals is advisable to go over your own health information.

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