As the snow melts away and the days grow longer, Wisconsin residents eagerly await the cheerful arrival of one of nature’s most iconic heralds of spring: the American Robin: Wisconsin’s beloved songbird (Turdus migratorius). With...
The black-capped chickadee might be one of the most recognized birds next to the Red Cardinals, Blue Jays, and Robins. The fluffy little Chickadee comes freely about dwellings even in towns and cities.
The Scarlet Tanager is probably is our most brilliant plumaged songbirds and a common summer resident throughout the Midwest, It arrives late in April or early in May and stays with us well into September.
Many birds migrate in the fall to warmer climates, but we have a variety of winter birds that stick around and tough out the harsh cold, and some birds even migrate to the Midwest for...
Love hummingbirds? So do I! Here are some interesting facts about hummingbirds you may not know.
Palm Warbler birds are yellow and brown birds with rusty brown head caps that are relatively common throughout Wisconsin during the spring and fall migration. General Information Name: Palm Warbler Scientific Name: Setophaga palmarum Higher...
American Redstart The American Redstart is a warbler that can be found traveling through Wisconsin in the spring fleeting from tree to tree. The male and female have a different appearance but both have relatively...
Worldwide, there are 216 members of the Picidae, or woodpecker family The 9 woodpeckers of Wisconsin that have been reported from the picidae and woodpecker families are the northern flicker, yellow bellied sap sucker, red...
The northern cardinal is a mid-sized songbird wat are about 8-9 inches in length. The Male is a vibrant red, while the female is a reddish olive color.
European starlings (starlings for short) are about the size of a blackbird with glossy black plumage that has a metallic look to them. During the winter months, the birds sport white flecking to them
Our winter visitors the red-breasted nuthatch are back for the season. As soon as the weather starts getting cold, I will usually see my first red-breasted nuthatch.
Pileated Woodpecker The pileated woodpecker is the largest woodpecker in North America. The term pileated comes from the Latin word pileatus meaning “capped” which refers to the red crest on the top of the bird’s head.
Red Eyed Vireo The red eyed vireo is a small songbird that you might see trying to catch insects in your trees. The bird isn’t a fan of the feeder.
The Chestnut Sided Warbler is a fast-moving, yellow, black, brown, and white warbler. Found throughout Wisconsin during the spring through fall.
The northern flicker (Colaptes auratus) or common flicker is a medium-sized bird of the woodpecker family. It is native to most of North America, parts of Central America, Cuba, and the Cayman Islands, and is one of the few woodpecker species that migrate.