Aster Flowers Asters, as they are recognized today, are what has resulted from. the development and improvement of the China Aster. The real Asters are small, Daisy-like flowers, resembling the single-flowered China Aster and known...
Invasive Cow Vetch Cow vetch is widely used as a forage crop for cattle and is beneficial to other plants because, like other leguminous plants, it enriches the soil in which it grows by its...
One fall, shortly after buying a home, my neighbor bagged up the morning glory seed he had collected from his trellis and gave them to me.He said that if I planted them in spring to...
Trout Lily The woods are blooming full of trout lily in Wisconsin. I have been lucky to track down the White Trout variety(Erythronium albidum) and the Yellow variety (Erythronium americanum).
The purple Gaywing wildflower is often mistaken for an orchid. It goes by the names of Fringed Polygala, Gaywings, or Flowering Wintergreen. General Information Genus: Polygala paucifolia Family: Milkwort Life cycle: Perennial Origin: Native Habitat: Damp,...