Bloodroot is one of the earliest woodland wildflowers to bloom depending on the tree overgrowth above. The pure white flowers grow 8-20 inches in height with a creamy yellow center. The flowers remain open during...
Chicory Chicory is known for its electric blue flowers, creating a spectacular summer show along roadsides, ditches and fields.
The Wild Strawberry is common in open places in woods, on grassy slopes, and in similar situations. It flowers in April and May, and the fruit ripens in June and July.
The purple Gaywing wildflower is often mistaken for an orchid. It goes by the names of Fringed Polygala, Gaywings, or Flowering Wintergreen. General Information Genus: Polygala paucifolia Family: Milkwort Life cycle: Perennial Origin: Native Habitat: Damp,...
Eastern Red Columbine Wildflower Not exactly sure what draws me to the eastern red columbine wildflower. Is it the curvy lines? The color? Perhaps, because one sees them selectively?
Bittersweet Nightshade Wildflower – Known as Bittersweet Nightshade, this dainty flower is easily identified by its five dark to mid-purple flowers with a pointed yellow center, and sits on a weak vine.