Category: Insects

What does the insect category hold?  Insects, of course.  Plenty of informational tidbits to help you ID an insect or just learn little interesting facts.

I’ve learned quickly that most people squirm at the thought of insects.  I’m not one of them.  I enjoy getting right up in their faces to see if I have seen “this one.”  Hope you enjoy!



Snails At some point, you will have to contend with snails in your vegetable garden and flower gardens.  Use these simple tricks to slay snails on your container plantings and gardens
One of many beetles in the blister beetle family. The beetles are part of the Meloidae family, they are called blister beetles for a good reason.

Blister Beetle

Blister Beetle A few of many beetles in the blister beetle family. The beetle is part of the Meloidae family, they are called blister beetles for a good reason.


Spittlebug in the Garden If you have a vegetable garden or a flower garden at some point you will see proof of a spittlebug in the garden. Proof you ask?  What is that proof?


How to Get Rid of Slugs in the Garden Slugs eat through and create damage to fruits, vegetables, plant leaves, and seedlings.  What does the damage look like? Have slug issues? Here is how to...