Growing Basil From Cuttings

Growing Basil Cuttings

Winter is coming. Growing basil cuttings from your outdoor plants will make sure you have fresh basil to use indoors throughout the season.

Weather’s Getting Cold So Grab Some Cutting of Your Basil

If the weather’s turning cooler, now is time to take cuttings of your basil plants.

Maybe you don’t have outdoor plants. Perfect, start some.  The next time you visit the local farmers or your grocery store, try your hand at water rooting some organic, fresh basil.

Taking cuttings of your plants give them a fresh start.

Take Cutting of your basil plant to grow more basil

Choose Your Basil

1.) Pick basil that is firm, fresh, and bright green.

Prepare Your Basil For Planting

1.) Using scissors; fresh cut the stem of the basil plant.
2.) Remove the bottom leaves only leaving the top ones.

Cutting from Basil Plant - Prepare Your Basil For Planting 1.) Using scissors; fresh cut the stem of the basil plant. 2.) Remove the bottom leaves only leaving the top ones.

Planting Your Basil

1.) Dip the fresh cut stem into a glass of fresh water.
2.) Dip the wet end of the cut stem into Rooting Hormone .
3.) Poke a deep hole into your potting soil with your finger.
4.) Insert stem and cover with soil.
5.) Water well.

Create a Greenhouse

1.) Insert the entire pot into a clear zip-top bag, seal it, and place it in a sunny location.
2.) Vent the bag for a few hours every 3-4 days when you add water.
3.) Moisture will condense in the bag. This is ok.
4.) Roots will start to grow by the second week. Remove the pot from bag and place it in a sunny location.

Water Rooting

1.) Complete the steps under “Choose and prepare your basil.”
2.) Place the cutting in a glass of water.
3.) Follow steps under “Create a greenhouse.”
4.) Plant when roots are at least 1″ long.

Water Rooting 1.) Complete steps under "Chose and prepare your basil." 2.) Place the cutting in a glass of water. 3.) Follow steps under "Create a greenhouse." 4.) Plant when roots are at least 1" long.

Have Fresh Basil Indoors For Winter or Expand Your Current Selection

If you are like me and live in a location where you will be expecting frost in a few weeks it is good to take a cutting right now from your outdoor basil plants and start them. This will ensure you will have fresh basil during the winter.

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