Inside the Old Cabins Smoky Mountain National Park

Inside the Old Cabins Smoky Mountain National Park

Inside the Old Cabins Smoky Mountain National Park – We ventured out into the heavily wooded areas of the Great Smoky Mountains National Park trying to locate the old section of cabins on this visit.  Our first attempt was unsuccessful. But, we found a little help at the distillery…

The Thing About Word Of Mouth

I had seen pictures of the old cabins in the Smoky Mountain National Park, some are hidden and some were not.  I was after the hidden section – the ones covered in the thickness of the wood cover.

Eerie Quiet in the Park

My First Attempt Under Pouring Rain Conditions

The unfortunate thing about word of mouth directions is that the directions may or may not be correct.  In my case, either I couldn’t follow the directions given to me, or else the directions were incorrect.  It took plenty of patience on my husband’s part, the man needed a drink after I hauled him through the thick brush, with nothing to be seen other than dark, skies, foggy forests and MUD!  Plenty of mud.

A Distillery Can Make All The Difference

After a change of footwear, I decided I needed to pit stop at a local country distillery to allow my husband to detox from my madness and obsession of finding the cabins and for almost getting us lost in the Smokey Mountains without a compass or GPS.

Yep, It Can Be

We had a good laugh when the first thing you see is a shot glass with the saying above.   Couldn’t have stated it better – Yep, It Can Be!

Fun & Games

As my husband was receiving his three samples of moonshine I was poking around the outside of the store.

Fun and Games

One thing that I enjoyed seeing during my trip to Tennessee was the rocking chairs and game tables on the front porches. Even outside the distillery, there was a table set up.

For me, it shows that life can be relaxing and should be enjoyed. In the city, everything is rushed. Everyone is in a hurry. In rural Tennessee, they take time to enjoy their surroundings and the company that visits.

After spending some time outside on the front porch, I re-joined my husband.

The Locals Are Always A Good Source of Information

The gentleman pouring samples asked what we had done so far on our trip.  Jokingly, I replied that my husband deserves to enjoy his samples and I might just owe him a bottle too. Any man willing to travel through miles of woodland areas in the pouring rain in search of cabins that must not exist deserves a reward.

He was happy with the small samples purchased to try.


Well, low and behold – long story short the gentleman drew me a map and told us that the cabins are set to meet the wrecking ball next week. One week later and they wouldn’t have been around.

Hey, I Can Follow Directions

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To My Faithful Umbrella Holder

Husband, I thank you for embracing my strange, whacky and at times irritating whims of life. I’m not sure I could find another man that would walk for miles in the pouring rain through the mountains while forgoing an umbrella.  It takes someone special to do just that for an entire day without a complaint.

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