Nodding Onion Flowers

If you are looking for any easy garden flower that will thrive and grow in any condition, and most lighting conditions, the nodding onion flowers might be a plant you wish to look at.

Nodding Onion Flowers

Type: The flower is a perennial bulb.

Family: Lilaceae (Alliacae)

Leaves: Forms clumps of flat leaves that are about 1/4 inch wide and are grass-like in appearance.  They range from green to a gray.

Flowers: Small, bell-shaped, flowers ranging in color from pink, white and magenta.

Wide variety of heights from 6 inches to 2.5 feet.  Suitable for rock garden borders, in mixed floral gardens or containers.

Nodding Onion Planted in Container

Blooming Time:
Most varieties bloom during the month of July.  Although, with the wide variety of nodding onion 

USDA Zones 4-8

White Nodding Onion Plant

Growing Conditions: An easy addition to any flower garden.  Will thrive in shade, sun, sand, moist soil, well rather anything.

Purchase on Amazon:

 Other Name It Goes By: Lady’s Leek

Attracts: Butterflies and hummingbirds

Starting From Seed: Seeds have to be refrigerated for 60 days prior sowing. Seed can be started indoors or directly outdoors in spring, Allium Cernuum re-seeds itself and re-grows if the seeds fall on the bare ground.

Purple Nodding Onion Plant

Edible Parts: Leaves, Bulbs, and Bulblets: 
– Gather leaves during spring and fall.
– Gather bulbs in second year when they are large enough to use like cultivated onions. Eaten raw, boiled or pickled.
– Flower stem bulblets are collected during the summer. Use as domestic onions, for seasoning or raw in salads.

Nodding Onion Flower

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Eastern Tiger Swallowtail Feeding and Attracting Butterflies
  10 flowers for hummingbirds

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